Tilth Producers Membership

Join Tilth Producers of Washington!
Your membership support helps ensure a future for organic agriculture in Washington State. Make a difference by signing up today!

Tilth Producers Membership Form
o New Member
o Renewing Member

o Regular/Farm $45
o Business $75
o Low Income $30

Tax-Deductible Donation:
o $50 o $100 o $250 o Other $______

Farm/Business Name:___________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Person:__________________________________________________________________________________________


City, State, Zip:__________________________________




Cell Phone: ______________________________________

Mail to: Tilth Producers, PO Box 85056, Seattle, WA 98145-1056 USA


Volunteer with Tilth Producers!
Help us grow Washington’s organic & sustainable farms and farmers

o Yes, I would like to volunteer!

My name, phone number and e-mail are: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My volunteer interest areas are: ______________________________________________________

Skills I have to offer are: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tilth Producers members are passionate and busy growers; we rely on volunteers to help year-round with Tilth Producers projects. Please consider volunteering with one of our Tilth Producers Board Committees on programs throughout Washington State.
Farm Walks: help plan, host a farm walk, set up, register attendees, take photographs, make and serve refreshments, clean up Conference: plan all year, offer a workshop, publicize in your area, create signage and brochures, coordinate volunteers, assist speakers, write letters, enlist sponsors, provide decorations or music, loan audio visual equipment
Youth Education: compile and create curricula, host a classroom at your farm
Journal: suggest or write articles, take photographs, distribute journal, proofread
Intern Placement Service: suggest improvements to apprentice program
Research & Policy: attend hearings and meetings, write articles and letters
Membership & Outreach: speak at events in your area, staff booth at fairs, design brochures and postcards, help with mailings, attend meetings
Publicity: write press releases, work with media
Website: gather items for posting (events, photos, articles, links), proofread, monitor content

Mail to: Tilth Producers, PO Box 85056, Seattle, WA 98145-1056 USA