2010 20.4 Food & Finance Summit December 3

Cascade Harvest Coalition will host a Food and Finance Summit as part of the Farm-to-Table Trade Meeting series. Farmers, investors, chefs, distributors, restaurateurs, wine makers, processors, and anyone else with a stake in the Peninsula food system, come prepared to make new sales, meet vendors, and raise money to grow your business. Speakers include Ari Derfel Slow Money’s Executive Director with a survey of Food Financing projects from around the nation. Harvindar Singh, recent subject of a Wall Street Journal article, and an export of the Olympic Penisula, returns to share his experiences as a Whole Foods ‘Forager’ and Producer Loan program representative.

Thanks to our generous sponsors we’ve been able to keep the cost down to $5. That includes a full day of programming, coffee service, and a local lunch by Bon Appetit chef Jay Payne. registration required: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/123223.

Tags: Ari Derfel, Bon Appetit, Food and Finance Summit, Harvindar Singh, Jay Payne, Peninsula Food System
